A hopeful story about the future…

Rita Pais
3 min readOct 27, 2023

During my first assignment in the Terra.do course, I was tasked with envisioning a world in 2040 where climate change had been successfully resolved. Here is my hopeful reflection:

When I first joined Terra.do in 2023, I was filled with hope that we could achieve this moment! What an incredible journey we have been on! For the very first time in history, we set aside our differences and joined forces to combat the biggest threat our world has ever faced — Climate Change!

Emissions have decreased, weather patterns have stabilized. The regions that suffered the most from climate change are now receiving funding from industrialized countries and have been rebuilt in sustainable ways, providing a comfortable life for their population without emitting harmful gases.

The world has transformed! In 2023, we could not have imagined the world we inhabit today! Cities are no longer concrete jungles designed solely for vehicles. Trees, gardens, and parks are making their way back into our cities. Forests surrounding the cities are now protected areas that continue to grow and provide benefits for everyone. Oceans and the atmosphere have become cleaner, and coral reefs and forests are regaining their natural balance. We now live in harmony with each other, with nature, and with other animals.

But as we reflect on our achievements, we must not forget the efforts and sacrifices that were made. Technologies have evolved, consumption habits and routines have changed, and funding has been directed to the right places and causes. I have personally witnessed and participated in incredible local projects! We have established community vegetable gardens, preserved and regenerated forests, and safeguarded seeds. These seemingly small projects have had a tremendous impact. Initially, everything seemed insurmountable, but as these projects were implemented, more and more people benefited and joined the movement. The society recognized the reality of climate change and understood that the negative consequences of inaction outweighed the temporary discomfort that change may bring.

As a product manager, I had the privilege of being part of this transformative change. Collaboration has flourished among people, companies, public entities, and society, paving the way towards zero emissions. I have learned how to balance the need for profitability with the imperative of making decisions that align with our emission reduction goals. Additionally, I have honed my skills in influencing those around me to make similar environmentally conscious decisions. We have successfully challenged prevailing assumptions regarding economic and financial models. We witnessed a paradigm shift in companies, as they transformed their decision-making processes and restructured their products and services. Rather than prioritizing unchecked growth, companies shifted their focus towards sustainable growth and recognized that success was not solely measured by financial gains, but also by the value delivered to society.

This could not have accomplished any of this without my incredible team of innovative, team-playing, and risk-taking individuals. It has been a pleasure to be part of this amazing community of innovators, storytellers, artists, creatives, thinkers, communicators, and community organizers.

We have achieved success! But we cannot rest; we must continue our efforts to foster a better society and environment. We need to persist in our pursuit of innovation and the discovery of solutions to the new challenges that have arisen. As problems arise we need to continue to find ways to solve them. Collaboration, rather than conflict, should guide our interactions. Only by coming together can we maintain our momentum and continue to succeed!

As I reflected on this vision, I couldn’t stop thinking: Can we make it?



Rita Pais

Product Manager&Philomath — if you went looking for what it meant join the club. Sharing PM and Data learning journey. Follow adayasaProductmanager on Medium &