Living a fulfilling life, not a Work-life balanced one

Rita Pais
3 min readAug 11, 2021

During the past few months, I have dwelled on the concept of Work-life balance, and what it meant it for me personally. 2020 for me it was a year focused on work, I worked extra hours, I focused on improving my skills, and my life revolved around work. At some point, I just felt like I was in the same place I was in the year before, even if I had learned, and grew as a professional.

My first feeling was I need to find a balance between work and life! I reduce hours, for a few weeks, I was feeling tired every day, frustrated about every small issue, and my motivation to do work and personal things start to decrease. I was having a balanced life, but still, I was not happy, and so I stopped and reflected on what was wrong, and what needed to change. I realized I was not feeling fulfilled, and that I needed to reconnect with myself, in all the areas of my life again. After a couple of months, I am starting to feel like myself again, and more motivated.

Here is what I did:

Reflect on what is important for you

I started to reflect on what were the areas of my life that were important for me. These areas are the things that are critical for my happiness and for my success. They have areas related to work, personal projects, my health, family and friends, and what was included in these areas. I tried to understand how much time I was spending on each one of these areas on the things of this areas. This made me realised that I was spending too much time doing things that were not important for my success nor my happiness. At work, I was spending too much time doing things that were not important to me, and that I didn’t like doing. Since I was doing extra hours, I didn’t have time for my personal projects and hobbies.

Find the time to do what matters

After realizing that I wasn’t spending my time doing the right things, I stopped doing extra hours, and use that time for my personal projects. I prioritize those personal projects. It was one of the most important and best decisions I have ever made. I felt more light, and like I was something that matter and would change my life, and that was important.

On my job, I continue to focus on how I could make it more aligned with my goals. After some time, another opportunity appears and I decide to change my job since it was more aligned both with values as well as with the way I like to work, and with my goals

Rest & Disconnect

We are always with the sentiment of urgency and we are always connected in some way, so it is important to disconnect and rest. I start reading, and going on hikes, and started learning how to surf. But for it can mean another completely different thing. Just don’t forget to do it, and to list to your body and mind.

It was a hell of a ride! I made a lot of changes in life, and I am proud of them. So if you are feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, do not forget to reflect on why you are feeling like that.



Rita Pais

Product Manager&Philomath — if you went looking for what it meant join the club. Sharing PM and Data learning journey. Follow adayasaProductmanager on Medium &